
NOTE: Due to Nikki’s death, these services are no longer available. However, this page will remain live for the time being as a reminder of the incredible breadth and depth of Nikki’s activities.

Nikki’s aim is to help you achieve your goals to be the best person you can be. Her professional services are designed to do just that. If you have any questions or feel Nikki’s services would benefit you, please contact her and she’d be happy to help.

Beyond Limits – Performance

Stage a performance at your venue!

This engaging theatrical play started as a one-person show called “No Limits” and morphed into “Beyond Limits” with a cast of anywhere from three to six. The play includes music, soundscapes, lighting effects, and visual effects that help draw in the audience.

Ten out of 7.4 billion. Those are her odds. Told at the age of 5 she would die in her teens, Nikki Abramson refuses to be stamped with an expiration date. Now an adult, watch as she pushes past limits while portraying a cast of colorful characters from her world.

“Beyond Limits” is performed by Breaking Barriers with Toolbox Theatre LLC (BBTT). BBTT is co-run by three individuals who helped start this journey: Nikki Abramson (Creative Director, Co-Playwright),  Sara Truesdale (Artistic Director, Co-Playwright), and Dennis Dienst (Managing Director, Set Designer).

“Beyond Limits” is also supported by Teresa Foushee (musical contributions), Madie Bloom (musical contributions) and Gizelle Erickson (Co-Playwright and Movement Coach).

Contact Nikki for more information about how to book a performance of this show at your venue.

The Power of Your Story – Workshop

Our stories have the ability to heal, help, educate and inspire, and it is through the stories of our lives that the most meaningful connections and relationships are formed. Learn to explore, develop, and share your story confidently and memorably, in compelling and powerful ways. Expect to leave with a new sense of confidence, strength, and enthusiasm as you discover and develop the story of your life!

Workshop led by Betty Liedtke, Find Your Buried Treasure, and Nikki Abramson, author of I Choose Hope

Betty and Nikki come from different backgrounds and viewpoints, yet they share many values and interests, including a passion for helping people to improve and empower their lives while discovering and developing their own unique stories.

Drawing on Betty’s love of coaching and Nikki’s love of teaching, this “odd couple” gently but powerfully helps workshop participants draw out the descriptions and details of their lives that make the most compelling stories.

Workshops are held quarterly. To inquire about the next event and cost, please contact us.

14 + 4 =

Teaching and Academic Tutoring – Personal Coach

Do you need help with homework? Study skills? Organization? Have gaps in your learning? Want to learn something new? Struggling with basic math facts or how to write a paper?

I can help. My areas of expertise lie in the areas of teaching, study skills, and organization that will help you to soar. I don’t give answers; I help students learn to think critically, become a lifelong learner and develop higher level thinking. I encourage students to prepare for the next chapter in life. I am skilled at teaching to your needs and at your level.

I would love to help boost your confidence as you grow.


We all need hope, inspiration, and some gratitude in our lives. Is your group ready to move forward?

As a speaker I can encourage, inspire and motivate your audience towards hope and success! I can bring positive life energy, enthusiasm, and passion for sharing my hope journey and messages of hope to every speaking engagement.

I offer speaking programs for classes, workshops, retreats, conferences, and seminars. Events can be public or private. Audiences will be engaged through teaching and performing, and will leave with profound knowledge and takeaways that will propel them into a new-found love and gratitude in life.

One aspect that differentiates my speaking from others is that I bring a wealth of real life experience to my speaking events. I use the acronym “HOPE,” where each letter stands for a significant component that will invigorate and inspire you. My presentations are engaging and will have people on their feet talking about their own personal life journey.

  1. Understand what HOPE means and looks like
  2. Learn strategies for practicing gratitude
  3. Gain a greater understanding of your life and purpose

Contact me and we’ll put together a speaking package that meets your needs!

Event and Graduation Party Planner 

Do you have a party or huge event coming up? Lost in where to begin? Are you planning a fundraiser? Graduation, wedding, baby shower?

I am your person. I have been planning events for years throughout school, my community, and beyond. I am thrilled to travel with you on this exciting event!


Theatre Coaching and Theatre Classes/Workshops

I have taught in many theatre situations. I can help students learn lines, blocking, dances, songs, and character development.

If you want to develop your strength in the world of theatre whether it is an audition or theatrical elements, let me know. I would love to be your support in this area. This will help build your team and self-confidence.

Upstream Arts teaching-artist profile


Papers, Resumes, Career Path, and Job Search

Have a paper that needs editing? Writing a paper and unable to find the right words? Are you looking for a job and needing to help market your credentials? Have to create a resume (working or theatre)?

Contact me – I would love to be your editor! Send me your work and we will press on together.


Nikki was a delight to work with, both as a fellow performer in CabarABLE 2016 and as the curator in the 2017 show. She is organized and creative, appearing just as skilled on the stage as behind it. She is an effective teacher, a passionate advocate, and a kind person in general. Nikki is patient and fair in her leadership, sincere in her words and actions, and poignant in her art.  
Breanna Lees

Storyteller, Actor, Writer