Summer Musicals

Summer Musicals

This summer I have had the opportunity to see three shows that I want to highlight although none of them are playing anymore, I want to give you my review as they still are on my mind to this day and I give them good reviews. First one goes to Mamma Mia played at the...

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Living with Dystonia

Living with Dystonia I never thought of myself as a writer, yet alone a poet. This past winter, I got together with a writer friend who encouraged me to continue to write. I had recently finished my masters and was...

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News and Notes… LISTEN

News and Notes… LISTEN

I've got so much to say... if only you would listen... Here's the deal. Never would I thought would I care to be a writer, dream of writing, or call myself a writer. There was a writing after school 'club' I was a part of in 4th grade. We wrote short stories mostly...

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